7500 gp Art Objects
If a treasure hoard includes art objects, you can use the following tables to randomly determine what art objects are found, based on their value. Roll on a table as many times as there are art objects in the treasure hoard. There can be more than one of a given art object.
7500gp Art Objects:
d10 = 8
Bejeweled ivory drinking horn with gold filigree
7500gp Art Objects
d10 | 7500gp Art Objects |
1 | Jeweled gold crown |
2 | Jeweled platinum ring |
3 | Small gold statuette set with rubies |
4 | Gold cup set with emeralds |
5 | Gold jewelry box with platinum filigree |
6 | Painted gold child’s sarcophagus |
7 | Jade game board with solid gold playing pieces |
8 | Bejeweled ivory drinking horn with gold filigree |